Bernhard Lamel

Personal Information


Phone: +43 1 4277 50687

Office: 09.139

Address: Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Curriculum Vitae

Teaching Evaluations

My teaching evaluations can be viewed/downloaded here


Showing entries 6 - 10 out of 47
Della Sala G, Cordaro PD, Lamel B. The Borel map in locally integrable structures. Mathematische Annalen. 2020 Aug;377(3-4):1155-1192. doi: 10.1007/s00208-019-01811-w

Cordaro PD, Sala GD, Lamel B. The Borel map for compact sets in the plane. Journal of Functional Analysis. 2020 Apr 1;278(6):108402. 108402. doi: 10.1016/j.jfa.2019.108402

Bertrand F, Sala GD, Lamel B. Jet determination of smooth CR automorphisms and generalized stationary discs. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2020 Apr;294(3-4):1611–1634. Epub 2019 May 13. doi: 10.1007/s00209-019-02330-9

Showing entries 6 - 10 out of 47