Quasianalyticity of classes of ultradifferentiable functions and the non-surjectivity of the Borel mapping (Part 2)

03.05.2016 13:15 - 14:45

Gerhard Schindl (University of Vienna)

Abstract. Spaces of ultradifferentiable functions are subclasses of smooth functions with certain growth conditions on all their derivatives. In the literature two different approaches are considered, either using a weight sequence or using a weight function. We present a generalization, namely classes defined by weight matrices.

For such classes we characterize the quasianalyticity. We show that the Borel mapping restricted to the germs of any quasianalytic class in this framework strictly larger than the real analytic class is never onto the corresponding sequence space.

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Seminar room 9, 2nd floor, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1

1090 Vienna, Austria