Past Talks

08.07.2021 10:00

On CR manifolds of infinite Bloom-Graham type

Maria Stěpanova, Moscow State University

24.06.2021 10:00

A note on unsolvable systems induced by corank 1 locally integrable structures

Antonio Victor da Silva, Jr. (University of Sao Paulo)

17.06.2021 10:00

Introduction to normal form problems

Laurent Stolovitch (University of Nice)

10.06.2021 11:00

Symmetry algebras of polynomial models in complex dimension three

Martin Kolar (Masaryk University)

27.05.2021 10:00

The CR Ahlfors derivative and a new invariant for spherically equivalent CR maps

Son Duong Ngoc (University of Vienna)

22.04.2021 10:00

Around $L^1$ (un)boundedness of Bergman and Szegö projections

Gian Maria Dall'Ara (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)