Past Talks

14.01.2021 09:00

Regularity of CR maps into uniformly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces

Josef Greilhuber (University of Vienna)

17.12.2020 09:00

Normal forms in CR geometry

Bernhard Lamel (Texas A&M University at Qatar)

26.11.2020 09:00

Integrable diffeomorphisms and their local normal forms

Kai Jiang (University of Nice)

19.11.2020 09:00

Unique jet determination and extension of germs of CR maps into spheres

Nordine Mir (Texas A&M University at Qatar)

12.11.2020 09:00

Deformations of irregular maps from smooth into analytic CR submanifolds

Josef Greilhuber (University of Vienna)

05.11.2020 09:00

Construction of counterexamples to the $2$-jet determination Chern-Moser Theorem in higher codimension

Jan Gregorovič (University of Hradec Králové, University of Vienna)