Past Talks

15.11.2016 13:15

Some remarks about the wavefront set

Stefan Fürdös (University of Vienna)

25.10.2016 13:15

Weighted Sobolev spaces and the Rellich lemma

Friedrich Haslinger (University of Vienna)

18.10.2016 13:15

Introduction to CR geometry (Part 2)

Stefan Fürdös (University of Vienna)

11.10.2016 13:15

Introduction to CR geometry (Part 1)

Stefan Fürdös (University of Vienna)

04.10.2016 13:15

What is quantum functional analysis?

Prof. A. Ya. Helemskii (Moscow State University)

28.06.2016 13:15

Entire functions with harmonic $*$-function in several complex variables

Florian Bertrand (American University of Beirut)