On standard models of CR-submanifolds

09.05.2017 11:30 - 13:00

Jan Gregorovic (University of Vienna)

Abstract.  I will talk about standard models of CR-submanifolds, which are real submanifolds in the complex space $\mathbb C^N$ that have particularly nice properties. The standard models are homogeneous w.r.t to the action of CR-automorphisms and have a large space of infinitesimal CR-automorphism that can be computed algebraically. The main target of the talk is to present an explicit construction of standard models with infinitesimal CR-automorphisms that are polynomial vector fields of weighted degree at least $3$.


Please click here for the slides of the talk.

Seminar room 8, 2nd floor, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna, Austria