Showing entries 16 - 20 out of 22
Haslinger F. Compactness for the d-bar - Neumann problem - a functional analysis approach. Collectanea Mathematica. 2011;62(2):121-129.
Haslinger F, De Silva H, Hauert C, Sigmund K, Traulsen A. Social control and the social contract: the emergence of sanctioning systems for collective action. Dynamic Games and Applications. 2011;1:149-171.
Haslinger F, Gansberger K. Compactness estimates for the d-bar Neumann problem in weighted L^2-spaces. In Proceedings of the conference on Complex Analysis 2008 in honour of Linda Rothschild, Fribourg 2008, Trends in Mathematics. Birkhäuser. 2010. p. 159-174
Haslinger F, Lamel B. Spectral properties of the canonical solution operator to d-bar. Journal of Functional Analysis. 2008;255(1):13-24.
Haslinger F. The d-bar Neunmann operator and commutators of the Bergman projection and multiplication operators. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 2008;58(4):1247-1256.
Showing entries 16 - 20 out of 22