

Created by Wolfgangbeyer (commons.wikimedia.org, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)

This is the website of the Complex Analysis Group at the University of Vienna. Here you find information about the members, ongoing research and activities of the group.

Upcoming Talks

17.03.2025 11:30

Szego kernel asymptotics in CR geometry

Chin-Yu Hsiao (National Taiwan University)

24.03.2025 11:30

Complex Analysis Seminar - Title TBD

Álfheiður Edda Sigurđardóttir (University of Ljubljana)

31.03.2025 11:30

Complex Analysis Seminar - Title TBD

Nai-Yu Hu (University of Vienna)

07.04.2025 11:30

Complex Analysis Seminar - Title TBD

Nikhil Savale (University of Cologne)

28.04.2025 11:30

Complex Analysis Seminar - Title TBD

Dariusz Piekarz (Jagiellonian University)

05.05.2025 11:30

Complex Analysis Seminar - Title TBD

Ahmad Hussein (University of Ljubljana)



Ultradifferentiable regularity of PDEs

We congratulate Stefan Fürdös on the award of his new FWF project!


2021 Indam conference on Bergman projections

Luke Edholm and Gian Maria Dall'Ara organize a virtual conference on Bergman projections and related topics from June 3 to 6.


CR Geometry & Dynamics 2020

Bernhard Lamel, Ilya Kossovskiy and Michael Reiter are organizing a workshop in Obergurgl from Aug. 23 to 27.


Habilitation of Son Duong

The Complex Analysis Group congratulates Son Duong to his successful Habilitation.


Master defense of Josef Greilhuber

The Complex Analysis Group congratulates Josef Greilhuber to his successful master defense.


Stefan Fürdös receives Erwin-Schrödinger scholarship of Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Stefan will join the Universidade de Sao Paulo for two years to work with Prof. Paulo Cordaro.